Friday, March 12, 2010


Blogger's doing some kind of auto-paging thing which many people are claiming eats their posts and disappears them into the ether.

Since I'm lazy, if you find anything missing which you most desparately need to read RIGHT NOW, do not hesitate to leave a comment or send an email. It's not like I'm doing anything else at the moment.

Update: Sigh, and that html glitch is back. If I add a link using Blogger's software, it appends '' to the beginning of the address and destroys the link.


Ari Blackthorne™ said...


My recommendations in that order.

Oh yes, there's stuff on Windows platform if that's what you need, but in that case, might as well just stick with Blogger's web interface. :)

Anna J Tsiolkovsky said...

You will have me in a Mac yet, won't you?

To be honest, at the rate Windows is crapping out on me (unrelated to Blogger), I might as well. Today Alpha (my computer) decided the best course of action was to kill itself while running an assignment. Not so bad, except that the assignment was a final exam, and I kind of failed it due to it.

No, I'm not joking.

As for editing, I've never had too many problems, actually. I think the Link Bug is about the most frustrating.

My blog layout, on the other hand, isn't the most complicated or pretty, but on the other hand, I'm both lazy and I loathe sites which have too much shit on them.

I even added nifty page breaks so the front page wasn't a giant 40 page mess of words, and readers could actually decide which batch of verbal vomit they wanted to read! Yes, I am truly at the pinnacle of blogging tech here, guys.

Who knows what I'll do next?? Maybe use some flashing text, or maybe a different font!

Wow, I really need to pour the same energy into posting that I do into comments.